Roger MacBride Allen: A Little Something About Myself

This is going to be pretty bare-bones for a while as I get this new version of my website set up. I will come back and add more bells and whistles after I have made this site into something more than the equivalent of blank COMING SOON pages.

The short form, for the purposes of this website, is that I have written about twenty-five commercially published books (including collaborations), with more on the way. Click on this link for a list of titles. (I am still working to complete entering all my books, so bear with me.) I served as the editor, in one form or another, of something over forty titles. I have done book layouts on about fifty titles, and for most of those I have also created the ebook versions.

There’s a lot more to say, but the brief text above communicates the main point: I know a lot about writing, editing, and publishing.

All best —